Tribute creation.

2008 March 21

Created by veronica 16 years ago
I started to build my Tribute to Mama Elizabeth(Elisa} Ouandji today.Almost 2 weeks after her funeral.It is my way of giving my mother-in-law a deserved sendoff and saying goodbye. It is my hope this will be a place to draw comfort and inspiration to all those who will visit this site to remember Mama Elisa's life and achievements. As a woman she worked hard and overcame many obstacles in her life.She was a stronghold to her family.As Louis-roger (son)once said ''she was his rock''one which could not be shaken.LIFE will not be easy without her in many ways. Mama believed in herself and everything she set out to do, she gave all her best.She was and still remain an example to all women of substance.In death we remember this ''IRON LADY'' for her courage, wisdom and determination. Her brother Nicolas recently stated ''SHE WOULD OPEN DOORS WHERE NO ONE DARED''.I wish we could have her courage and determination then the world would be a better place. I believe Mama Elisa deserve more than the world could offer. Today is also a special day,The day Mama got her first vistor at her resting home who is non-other than her most loved brother ''Tonto Nicolas''The mission is to give tender care to Mama resting home and deliver a companion (symbolic toy) from her gradson Anthony.
